Ο πράκτορας 007 δεν επιστρέφει σύντομα μόνο στις οθόνες με το Spectrum. Αυτό το φθινόπωρο, ο εκδοτικός οίκος comic βιβλίων Dynamite Entertainment ανακοίνωσε ένα νέο μηνιαίο κόμικ με τίτλο «James Bond 007″ γραμμένο από τον Warren Ellis φιλοτεχνημένο από τον Jason Masters.
If you don’t follow comics, what makes this a big deal is Ellis” contribution. Warren Ellis is the writer behind countless original series like «Transmetropolitan» and «Planetary,» as well as numerous superhero books where he often completely revamps characters to tremendous success (the «Iron Man» movies, in particular, owe a massive debt to Ellis” work). Ellis has many strengths as a comic writer, but spies and sci-fi are his calling cards — one would be hard-pressed to find a better marquee writer to take on Bond in the mainstream comics industry.
He’s also British, which is a plus when it comes to Bond stories.
Here’s the official description:
«James Bond returns to London after a mission of vengeance in Helsinki, to take up the workload of a fallen 00 agent… but something evil is moving through the back streets of the city, and sinister plans are being laid for Bond in Berlin.»
While «James Bond 007″ will be set in the present (and feature a Bond that’s different from the cinematic ones), Dynamite Entertainment has plans for the entire Bond mythos. In an interview with Comic Book Resources, Dynamite Senior Editor Jason Rybandt details the publishers plans for even more Bond comics, including adaptations of Ian Fleming’s novels and a series of prequels set before «Casino Royale.»
«James Bond 007″ #1 is scheduled to launch in November.
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