«Μην επιδιώξετε να είστε καλός μάνατζερ κάνοντας τα πάντα με το σωστό τρόπο για να κρατήσετε χαρούμενη τη “διανόηση” των Βρυξελλών. Είστε ηγέτης και οι ηγέτες κάνουν το “σωστό”».
Ο εκδότης της εφημερίδας New Europe, Βασίλης Κορωνάκης στέλνει επιστολή στον Πρόεδρο της Κομισιόν Jean Claude Juncker και τον προετοιμάζει για το δύσκολο 2015.
«Hope you got a chance to relax, as 2015 will be a difficult year. Yet it will be full of challenges, controversies and surprises. At least it won’t be boring. 2015 and the years to come will be the years of your long journey to Ithaca, the journey of your life.
From Captain of a beautiful luxury yacht, Luxemburg and the Eurogroup, sailing in the calm waters of Mare Nostrum, you have been promoted to Chief Admiral. Now you are at the helm of the Transoceanic Europe, navigating through rough uncharted waters in the open sea. On board, you are carrying half a billion souls of all colours, from the neo-Communists of the south to the neo-Nazis of the north and in the between a huge middle-class of family people, under rapid depletion. I do not envy you.
However, dear President, you are lucky because you have an excellent crew. Your team is the best any administration could ever dream off. Your success will depend of how you motivate them and how you will use them.
Back in the old days, in Aristotelian terms, the Commission was the aristocratic administration of the western world. The best were ruling. Today, you have the best soldiers but with few exceptions your generals, are not promoted because of “what they know,” but “who they know.” This is unfair both for the people working for you and for Europe.
Here, dear President you should remember the philosopher-king and restore the status quo ante. Forget about making happy the Brussels intelligentsia by doing “things right” to prove you are a good manager. You are the leader and leaders do the “right thing”.
You have to make changes in your team and you have to do it from the top all the way to the bottom. In April, you will have to replace the Secretary General of the Commission, Catharine Day. She is efficient, competent and hardworking but she has to go. It is obvious why.
Yet, Catharine Day is one of the best you have in your team and she must continue to serve Europe. Thus it could be an idea to appoint her Ambassador of the EU in China. Think how critical she could be for EU-China relations in the coming years. She is the best for the job, working faithfully and efficiently, “day and night” and will look after the interests of Europe. China is very important to Europe and any diplomat coming from any member state will first look after the interests of his own country, then, if some space is left will look for what is good for Europe as well.
As regards the new Secretary General, according to rumours in Berlaymont corridors, you have been “recommended” a British national. What do you owe to Downing Street? Nothing!
The new Secretary General could well be the sitting Director General of OLAF. He is intelligent, equally hard working and most importantly honest. He also comes from the Socialist Party and his appointment will make several people in Brussels happy.
First, it will make you yourself happy because he will do the job.
Second, it will please the president of CONT at the European Parliament and those who want him out of OLAF and are suggesting offering him to become Director General Justice.
Last but not least, it will be a superb political move since you will be making happy the Socialists who have treated you very fairly.
And, you will politically reciprocate the courtesies S&D President Gianni Pittella extended to your Commission and to you personally, on various occasions, some critical.
In this way, by your own initiative, you will consolidate a political understanding between the two big political families of Europe, much needed if you do not wish to witness EU dismembering on your watch.
Catharine Day to Beijing and Giovanni Kessler to the Secretariat General. Does not look bad, after all.
Think about it.»
Πηγή: neweurope.eu
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