Lessons in humanity and star power.
I'm first on the plane. A couple of minutes into boarding a lady approaches a rugged long – haired gentleman. «I've been watching you on TV, you're doing very well!»He's wearing an untucked dark blue shirt and glasses. He's not a well known Greek TV persona – as far as I know. I deduce mid-level SYRIZA politician. Not an empty seat on the plane as I had seen during web check in. 'Oh god, it's the Eurogroup today and we're going to be swarmed' I think to myself.
Enter Varoufakis.
Sporting a white cashmere scarf Yianis enters the plane among the last passengers. As soon as the plane takes off, the Minister takes out his papers and starts reading what looks like briefing notes.
I didn't get a chance to ask for an interview. In reality the only thing I wanted to ask in a very human way: «are you nervous about today?»
The most popular man in Greece is sitting in economy, 11d, just two rows behind me.
First reaction is to post to FB and twitter. «Flying with King Varoufakis #starstruck». Thoughts run through my head- 'just yesterday I photoshopped him into a Game of Thrones meme'. Next comes thinking of a polite way to spark conversation and introduce myself – and of course get an interview. After all, running an EU policy and politics newspaper has its perks. In the back of my mind, stories and details friends who know him and have spent time with him have recounted.
Star struck indeed
Wait a minute… I've interviewed and broken bread with world leaders far more intimidating and important. 'Why so hyped up?' I ask myself. It's because Varoufakis is not just a politician. He's a star. And there are very few politicians with star power that can make someone in news star struck. Footballers…. nah… musicians? Not so much… Hollywood stars? Perhaps some – If you love their work. But Varoufakis is an overnight sensation that is currently at his star power peak. Nevertheless, the 8am Varoufakis led and espresso magnified rush fades by the time the 'fasten seat belt' sign is off and we're coasting on autopilot.
The 8.30am flight means a 6am wake up for most so it's not long before Varoufakis goes to sleep, listening to music or his favorite podcast through his red in – ear headphones; plugged into his white Samsung S4 held firmly between his hands resting on his lap. His seat reclined.
A balding gentleman approaches him for a chat. They know each other but I can't seem to recognise him. He crouches and talks to him for a few minutes obstructing the aisle. We can only assume it was of national importance because he made a nun stand waiting for a couple of minutrs while he refused move so she can get to her seat.
Now lots of onlookers, but a young lady with a pen and pad walks up and down the aisle a few times hoping to catch him awake. Not for an interview but for an autograph as she appears to be mouthing to her friends. Another gent walks up and down and finally catches him with one eye open. His friends come over and have a chat with the Minister. Among them the girl with the pad. In fact they are all journalists. Questions along the lines of: «What do you expect today? Have any other stakeholders asked for clarifications on the Greek proposal? What can Greece do to change its weak image in the negotiations?» A brief chat but not too many Varoufakisesque grand answers as awakening him didn't put him in the best of moods. Just over an hour left now in the flight.
Most people on the plane are sleeping, none the wiser, but in a plane full of journalists and politicos you can feel the tension as there are now several groups standing talking in the aisles.
A few rows in front of Varoufakis, a little girl is watching a cartoon on her iPad on full volume, but his ear buds firmly in place shield him from noise and further intrusions.
My journalist instinct is fought off by the human inside me saying «don't be like the others…. let him sleep and you'll catch him later.» … «be considerate, the man is negotiating for the future of Greece and Europe and needs his rest». I wasn't going to bother him.
I sit down to write this text and before I know it the pilot announces that we are now descending.
We land and Yianis is on the phone with the Ministry talking about amendments and lines in the sand for what I can only assume is about today's Eurogroup negotiation.
The doors open and Varoufakis takes the VIP route and hops into a car just under the plane. No chat or interview but a glimpse of the man who shook the eurogroup to its foundation.
I didn't get a chance to ask for an interview. In reality the only thing I wanted to ask in a very human way: «are you nervous about today?»
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