Στο γνωστό φιλόξενο χώρο του Ethnic bar αυτή την Τετάρτη στις 20.00 σε μουσική επιμέλεια του GIGI S φτάνει το After Marché πάρτυ, το νέο μουσικό ραντεβού για after work coctails σε ρυθμούς lounge και deep house !!
Check the fb page of this event
We are happy to invite you to the first edition of #AFTER MARCHE# at Ethnic Bar and are proud to present you this new After Work concept.
Close to the famous «Marché du Châtelain», the Ethnic Bar welcomes you for a drink in a cool atmosphere.
Feel free to invite your friends and colleagues and spend a nice After-Work moment
###Cocktails are at special prices, and some free appetizers will be offered to the guests###
♫ ♫ ♫ Music by Gigi S. (Vanilla Bay, BG) ♫ ♫ ♫
ADDITIONAL INFO: Ethnic Bar, Avenue Louise 277
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