Interview with… the musical world of King as Slave

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The sound of King as Slave’s new album is impactful. It has depth and intensity, capable of turning everything upside down within minutes. It draws you in, makes you let go, and somewhere in that process, it inevitably captivates you.

All of the above, however subjective it may sound, perfectly describes the musical art that Panos Gourgiotis and his “King as Slave” alter ego, Pavlos Monastiriotis, have passionately supported for years. Contrast, experimentation, an unfulfilled desire, or the culmination of a musical journey?

In today’s discussion, Panos Gourgiotis introduces himself and the alternative musical world of King as Slave—a world we cannot wait to immerse ourselves in on February 15th at the well-known Pilar in Brussels.

"King as Slave" Panos Gourgiotis for

«King as Slave» Panos Gourgiotis for

Let’s start from the beginning: How would you introduce the band King as Slave?

Panos and Pavlos. It’s the natural evolution of our relationship! Collaborators and companions in many different music projects over the years, and best friends, we are fulfilling a shared dream with this band. We describe ourselves as an experimental, alternative duo that combines electronic textures and alternative rock sound with poetic lyricism. At the same time, we aim to create a sonic landscape that transcends traditional genres.

How does the name of the band connect with its music and the two of you as the creative protagonists and performers?

Pavlos came up with the name. We loved the obvious symbolism behind it: how close a “king” can be to a “slave,” how easily one can switch places with the other, and, in general, how fluid life is. There’s also the idea that within something negative, there’s always a ray of light, and vice versa. Especially this latter idea perfectly reflects the essence of the band. Our music is imbued with this sense of bittersweetness and constant emotional shifts. Even in our lyrics, when telling a possibly sad story, there’s always room for a smile.

"King as Slave" Pavlos Monastiriotis for

«King as Slave» Pavlos Monastiriotis for

How did the inspiration for this sound come about, and what were the first steps in forming the band?

It happened gradually; it wasn’t a conscious effort to form a new band. During the lockdowns caused by the pandemic, I began experimenting with analog synthesizers. This gradually developed into musical pieces that started taking shape. I then challenged myself to write seven songs in a week—one song per day. The second week, I recorded one song per day, and the third week, I mixed and processed one song per day. I succeeded, and in three weeks, I had a seven-track album. Pavlos then listened to it and said, “This is great, but it needs a lot of work to properly structure the songs.” From then on, an additional song was added to the seven, and we spent three years recording, experimenting, and refining. And now, we present it to you—not after three weeks, but after more than three years.

What is the reception of this genre of music in Belgium and Europe, and how has the audience responded to King as Slave’s music?

The fact that our music doesn’t clearly belong to any genre is both a blessing and a curse. While it gives our sound some uniqueness, it also makes it harder to reach the right audience. In my opinion, many of our influences are present in the music, in more or less obvious ways. I’m certain that fans of artists like Depeche Mode, Moby, Radiohead, Massive Attack, or genres like alternative, electronic pop-rock, melodic pop, and atmospheric rock will find something appealing in our sound. So far, we’ve released two singles from the album, “Like Nothing” and “All In”, which have been well-received and played on radio stations worldwide, including in the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, and various Central European countries.

Gold, the new album by King as Slave, will be presented in Brussels. Tell us a bit about this new musical venture and what the audience can expect at Pilar on Saturday, February 15th.

We can’t wait. The album will be released on the day of the concert, February 15th, through the London-based label State51. After a long time, we’re feeling that wonderful creative anxiety again. This concert will be a big celebration for us, our biggest moment yet—until the next one. We know it might be years before we experience a night like this again, and we want to enjoy it to the fullest with all our old and new friends, who we are sure will be there to fill us with their love, as always. We’ve prepared a carefully crafted performance, complemented by engaging visuals, which we hope will be rewarding for everyone. It certainly helps that Pilar is an exceptional venue. Joining us on stage will be some surprise guest musicians and Giouli. Although she is not officially a member of the band, she is essentially the third pillar, having been part of the entire album-making process and contributing vocals to several songs.

"King as Slave" Giouli for

«King as Slave» Giouli for

What would be your advice for someone to fully enjoy the music of King as Slave?

I’d split my answer into two parts. The first relates to the concert. I’d suggest arriving early, having a drink, and allowing yourself to immerse in new music—exploring something fresh and uncharted. I know that in today’s fast-paced world, it’s hard to dedicate time and attention to something unfamiliar, but how often do we truly get the chance to do so? The second part concerns listening to the music at home afterward. This isn’t just about our music but how we listen to music in general nowadays. I’d recommend giving music the value it deserves. Don’t just play it in the background—focus on it for a while. It’s an experience that’s becoming rare, and we often forget how therapeutic and liberating it can be. Specifically, for our music, I’d suggest playing it loud! Whether at the concert or through recordings, you’ll hear our truth and soul, as we’ve managed to capture them after years of hard work. We hope there’s something in it for you too.



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