Το γνωστό ψηφιακό δίκτυο Netflix ξεκινά συνεργασία με την αεροπορική εταιρία Virgin America, για προβολή του προγράμματός του στις πτήσεις.
Είθιστε στις πτήσεις να απαγορεύεται η πλοήγηση στο διαδίκτυο, όπως και οποιαδήποτε ασύρματη επικοινωνία, στην περίπτωση αυτή ωστόσο τα αεροσκάφη ViaSat της Virgin έχουν την δυνατότητα να παρέχουν αυτή την υπηρεσία στους επιβάτες. Έτσι, σε επιλεγμένες – για αρχή- πτήσεις της εταιρίας, οι ταξιδιώτες θα έχουν την δυνατότητα να απολαύσουν το πρόγραμμα του ψηφιακού δικτύου Netflix (γνωστό για την παραγωγή δημοφιλών σειρών, όπως το House of Cards).
Next time you fly, you might be able to (finally) stream your favorite Netflix program. (Time for eight hours of Crazy Eyes!) Virgin America announced a new partnership with Netflix today that will make free in-flight Wi-Fi available on select planes so passengers can binge-watch Netflix guilt—and cost—free.
Netflix and other streaming services are typically blocked on in-flight wireless networks because of the data connection speed and bandwidth required to handle them. Announced earlier this summer, Virgin’s ViaSat planes are capable of data speeds eight to ten times faster than current onboard Wi-Fi systems. That means they can handle streaming services as well.
Unfortunately, ViaSat won’t be available on every flight just yet. Virgin is adding the satellite-based internet to 10 new Airbus A320, to be delivered between now and the middle of 2016. Planes will be added at a speed of roughly one per month. If you don’t make it onto a ViaSat plane, though, you’re not completely out of luck: The partnership is also bringing some select Netflix content to the airline’s Red in-flight entertainment system.
“These latest generation investments in our Wi-Fi and entertainment platforms allow us to provide the largest breadth of streamed content ever available at 35,000 feet, along with entire seasons of some Netflix favorites via the Red platform,” said Abby Lunardini, Virgin America’s vice president of communications. “We hope our guests enjoy the offering and know that even President Frank Underwood can’t get entertainment this good onboard Air Force One.”
About that Frank Underwood reference: In addition to the new partnership, Virgin unveiled a new House of Cardsand Netflix-branded aircraft today at San Francisco International. The first flight with Netflix on board will take off from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and travel to Washington Reagan National Airport (DCA) Tuesday morning. To celebrate the inaugural voyage, actor Michael Kelly, who portrays Doug Stamper on the show, will offer “morally ambiguous political advice” over the aircraft’s intercom before takeoff.
Passengers on ViaSat-equipped planes will be able to access the wireless network, and Netflix (subscription required), for free on flights until March 2, 2016. Let the binge watching begin!
Πηγή: cntraveler.com
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